Residence in Hungary

We have outstanding professional experience in the full administration of visas and residence permits in Hungary. Our consulting law firm with a skilled team of 5 legal experts, helps private and corporate clients to realize their goals and plans. With more than 20 years’ experience and in the knowledge of the Hungarian legal regulations we provide for our clients comprehensive-, legal- and business advices, and representations.
Hungary offers several ways to obtain a residence permit. Investors, employees, digital nomads, entrepreneurs, students, and researchers may become residents in this beautiful country. A Hungarian permit allows its holder to live in the country of the EU, get access to European healthcare and education, and travel to the Schengen countries without a visa.
A residence permit for investors (Hungarian Golden Visa) is granted for 10 years for investment of at least EUR 250,000. Investment options include the purchase of real estate fund units, purchase a property or donation to an institution of higher education. If you decide to invest in Hungary and buy real estate fund units or real estate in order to obtain a residence permit, our lawyers will provide you with comprehensive assistance and representation. As real estate lawyers we help you in buying the suitable real estate fund units or in selecting and viewing the property, ensuring all legal conditions, obtaining the necessary permit for the purchase of the property and registering the ownership.

We kindly inform our clients that at this time, we are only handling the Golden Visa and residence permits for investment purposes.

Do you want to obtain a residence permit in Hungary?

Our immigration services:

Visas and Certification

  • Guest Investor Visa
  • Visa for the purpose of obtaining a residence permit (“D” visa)
  • Temporary Residence Certification

Acquiring or extending a Hungarian residence permit

  • Residence permit for guest investor (formerly known as Golden Visa Hungary)
  • Residence permit for guest self-employment
  • Residence permit for the purpose of investment
  • Residence permit for employment
  • Residence permit for guest workers
  • Hungarian Card
  • EU Blue Card
  • Residence permit for intra-corporate transfer
  • Residence permit for research or (long-term) mobility of researchers
  • Corporate Card
  • National Card
  • Residence permit for family reunification
  • White Card – residency for digital nomads

Legal advice for individuals and businesses

Our business services:

  • legal support for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
  • company establishment
  • registered seat service
  • real estate brokerage service for foreign investors
  • trademark registration procedure

Why should you choose our office?

  • more than 20 years of experience;
  • we are perfectly familiar with the Hungarian law and the process of domestic official administration;
  • administration and counseling with a short deadline;
  • favorable pricing;
  • full-scale, professional legal and business services;
  • consulting in business, tax and duty matters.

How to get a Residence Permit in Hungary?

The steps of obtaining a residence permit in Hungary:

Step 1:
Get in touch with our office!

Due to a large number of inquiries, we prefer the first contact by email. After contacting, we will get back to you within 24 hours. A lawyer will analyze your unique circumstances, calculate the cost, send you our written offer and help you find the best solution based on your goals. If you accept our offer and pay 50 % of our fee, we will start the process.

Step 2:
Initiating the procedure and preparing the documents

After we have found the appropriate type of residence permit/visa for you, we will send you the list of documents required to initiate the procedure and for the Hungarian residence permit or visa application. We will guide you through the document preparation process, including obtaining English-Hungarian bilingual copies and gathering additional papers. The client provides the original copy of the documents, and the lawyers translate them.

Step 3:
Applying for a Hungarian Residence Permit
Online application is possible through the Enter Hungary website. The applicant must also visit the Immigration Office in person to submit fingerprints, have a photo taken for a card and pay fees. The processing time is 21 days, but no later than 70 days from the submission of the application. During this period, we will closely monitor the progress of the case and will inform you regularly until the authority makes a final decision. The remaining 50% of our fee is due only after the residence permit/visa procedure has been completed.
Step 4:
Obtaining the Residence Permit

After the decision of the approval of the application the Immigration Office prepares the Residence Permit (Card). Our Law Firm can provide a delivery agency, therefore we can obtain the residence permit for the client if its required.

(formerly known as GOLDEN VISA HUNGARY)

The Guest Investor Visa entitles the holder to stay for more than ninety (90) days within a period of one hundred and eighty (180) days and to make multiple entries, and to apply for a Guest Investor Residence Permit.

Who can apply for a Guest Investor Visa?

A third-country national may be granted a Guest Investor Visa:

  • whose entry and residence in Hungary is of national economic interest in view of their investments in Hungary,
  • who holds a valid travel document, has the necessary permit for return or onward travel, provides proof of the purpose of his/her entry and stay, has sufficient means of subsistence to cover his/her subsistence and subsistence costs and travel expenses throughout his/her stay, is insured for the full range of healthcare or can afford to pay for healthcare, is not subject to expulsion or a ban on entry or residence, or his/her entry or residence does not endanger public policy, public security, national security or the public health interests of Hungary, is not subject to an SIS (Schengen Information System) alert,
  • who declares that he/she has or intends to have at least one of the following investments:
    • the acquisition of investment units of at least EUR 250 000 issued by a real estate fund registered by the Hungarian National Bank,
    • the acquisition of ownership of a residential property with a value of at least EUR 500 000, situated in the geographical territory of Hungary and registered in the Land Register under its parcel number, free of legal title, encumbrances and claims, or
    • making a financial donation of at least EUR 1 000 000 to a higher education institution maintained by a public trust with a public-service mission, for the purpose of supporting educational, scientific research or artistic creation.
  • who certifies that he/she holds an amount of money corresponding to at least one of the investments referred to in the preceding point, of lawful origin, which must be available or transferable within the territory of Hungary,
  • who submits a written commitment to make at least one investment of the amount and type specified in the previous point within three months of entering the territory of Hungary on the basis of a guest investor visa.

Important to know:

  • Regarding the new legislation property purchased after 1st January 2025 will be considered for a Guest Investor Residence Permit only.
  • A prohibition on alienation and encumbrance must be registered in the Land Register for a period of 5 years from the date of conclusion of the purchase contract, and the property may be owned exclusively by you or you and one or more family members.
  • The competent authority will appoint a forensic real estate expert to determine whether there is a noticeable discrepancy between the actual market value of the property and the purchase price indicated in the application. The applicant must advance the costs of the assessment.
  • The legal origin of the funds available shall be proven by credible means, in particular by a public or private document or a private document having full probative value certifying the origin of the property, rights in rem or pecuniary interest; or proof of taxable income from a regular employment relationship or business activity.

What documents must be attached to the visa application?

  • valid travel document;
  • ID photo;
  • statement of the purpose of entry and stay;
  • documents proving that the applicant has a place of accommodation in Hungary;
  • healthcare insurance or documents proving that you can afford to pay for healthcare.

How long is the administration deadline?

The administrative deadline is: up to 15 days

Important to know: After receiving the visa, within 93 days of the first entry into Hungary, the visa holder must submit an application for a guest investor residence permit. By this time, the visa holder must also confirm the completion of the undertaken investment.

How long is the Guest Investor Visa valid for?

The maximum validity period of a Guest Investor Visa is six (6) moths.

Please note that the Guest Investor Visa is invalid once the Guest Investor Residence Permit has been issued.

How much is the procedural fee?

The procedural fee for issuing a Guest Investor Visa is: EUR 110

The Guest Investor Residence Permit entitles the holder to stay in Hungary and to pursue activities as an independent person for remuneration or as a managing director of a company, cooperative or other legal person established for gainful purposes, in accordance with the law.

The Guest Investor Residence Permit and the related residence permit for the purpose of family reunification entitle the holder to work for remuneration, for or under the direction of another person, on the basis of an employment relationship, and the third-country national is entitled to work in Hungary without restriction.

Who can apply for a Guest Investor Residence Permit?

A third-country national may be granted a Guest Investor Residence Permit:

  • whose entry and residence in Hungary is of national economic interest in view of their investments in Hungary,
  • who holds a valid travel document, has the necessary permit for return or onward travel, provides proof of the purpose of his/her entry and stay, has sufficient means of subsistence to cover his/her subsistence and subsistence costs and travel expenses throughout his/her stay, is insured for the full range of healthcare or can afford to pay for healthcare, is not subject to expulsion or a ban on entry or residence, or his/her entry or residence does not endanger public policy, public security, national security or the public health interests of Hungary, is not subject to an SIS (Schengen Information System) alert,
  • who holds a valid visiting investor visa.
  • A Guest Investor Residence Permit may also be issued to a third-country national who fulfils the conditions set out in the above points and who is legally residing in Hungary as a national of a third country listed in Annex II to 2018/1806/EU Regulation and who proves that he/she has or intends to have at least one of the following investments:
    • the acquisition of investment units of at least EUR 250 000 issued by a real estate fund registered by the Hungarian National Bank, or
    • the acquisition of ownership of a residential property with a value of at least EUR 500 000, situated in the geographical territory of Hungary and registered in the Land Register under its parcel number, free of legal title, encumbrances and claims, or
    • making a financial donation of at least EUR 1 000 000 to a higher education institution maintained by a public trust with a public-service mission, for the purpose of supporting educational, scientific research or artistic creation, or
    • who proves that he/she has a sum of money corresponding to at least one of the investments, of legal origin, which must be available or transferable within the territory of Hungary and submits a written commitment to make at least one investment within three months of entering Hungary.

Important to know:

  • After receiving the Guest Investor Visa, within 93 days of the first entry into Hungary, the visa holder must submit an application for a Guest Investor Residence Permit. By this time, the visa holder must also confirm the completion of the undertaken investment.
  • The family member of a third-country national who holds a Guest Investor Residence Permit can enter and reside in Hungary.

What documents must be attached to the visa application?

  • valid travel document
  • ID photo
  • statement of the purpose of entry and stay:
    • a certificate from the real estate fund manager registered by the Hungarian National Bank or from the distributor of the investment fund share on the investment fund share of EUR 250  000 issued under the name of the third-country national;
    • a contract of sale and purchase, countersigned by a lawyer, concerning a residential property with a value of at least EUR 500 000, located in the geographical territory of Hungary and registered in the Land Registry of Hungary under its parcel identification/topographical LOT number, free and clear of all liens, claims and encumbrances;
    • a certificate from the higher education institution maintained by a public trust with a public-service mission certifying that the higher education institution has received a financial donation from the applicant of at least EUR 1 000 000 to support educational, scientific research or artistic creation activities, or
  • documents proving that the applicant has a place of accommodation in Hungary.

How long is the administration deadline?

The administrative deadline is: 21 days

Please note that, in addition to the mandatory attachments, the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing (NDGAP) may request additional documents to clarify the facts of the case or to carry out other procedural steps. The period for remedying deficiencies and for the implementation of various other procedural conducts is not comprised in the time period of the procedural administration.

How long is the Guest Investor Residence Permit valid for?

The maximum validity period of a Guest Investor Residence Permit is ten (10) years, and it may be extended for another 10 years for the same purpose.

Important to know: The period of validity of the family reunification residence permit for close family members will be aligned with the period of validity of the visiting investor’s residence permit.

How much is the procedural fee?

Fee for the procedure for issuing residence permit – personal submission: HUF 39 000 ~ EUR 100

Fee for the procedure for issuing residence permit: HUF 24 000 ~ EUR 62

How does the applicant receive the residence permit document?

The residence permit document is delivered by way of post to the address indicated as place of delivery in the application form.


A third-country national may apply for the issue of a visa entitling him/her to receive a residence permit entitling him/her to stay in Hungary for more than ninety (90) days (hereinafter referred to as „permanent„) within one hundred and eighty days (180) prior to entry, without submitting a separate application, in his/her application for the issue of a residence permit.

This document only entitles the holder to reside in Hungary. It becomes invalid upon entry and exit from the country. The holder must return it to the issuing authority upon leaving the country.

A Temporary Residence Certification can be applied for by:

  • Those who have already submitted an application for a residence permit and the permit has not yet been issued, but their previous residence permit has expired or they are required to have a further residence permit by law.
  • The person staying in Hungary is unable to leave the country after the expiry of his/her residence permit for humanitarian or work-related or vis maior reasons.
  • Those who do not have a Hungarian residence permit due to the withholding of their travel documents.

Validity period: 3 months, which can be extended on an occasional basis.

A third-country national may be granted guest self-employed residence permit if the purpose of his/her stay is:

  • to pursue an activity as a self-employed person for remuneration, or
  • to act as a manager of a company, cooperative or other legal person established for gainful purposes.

If the third-country national is acting as an executive officer of the company, the purpose of the stay for the purpose of self-employment as a guest is considered to be justified if:

  • the business enterprise has been legally employing at least 5 Hungarian nationals or persons enjoying the right of free movement and residence on a full-time basis for at least 6 months continuously and without interruption, or
  • the residence of the applicant third-country national in the territory of Hungary is indispensable for the operation of the company and it is likely, based on the detailed declaration of the economic activity attached to the application, that the company will generate income that will also ensure the applicant’s livelihood.

In the case of the employment of the managing director, the managing director must also be a member of the company.

If you wish to perform actual work in the company beyond the scope of activities of an executive officer, you must apply for a residence permit for employment purposes or a Hungarian Card for highly qualified workers.

Important to know!
If you already have a residence permit for guest self-employment , you cannot apply for a residence permit for employment purposes or a Hungarian Card in Hungary!

Period of validity: up to 1 year, renewable for a maximum of 2 years for the same purpose only, with the provision that the residence permit may not be renewed for a period exceeding 3 years from the date of its first issue.
If you would like to stay in Hungary as a self-employed guest beyond the above-mentioned period, you may apply for a residence permit in Hungary up to 40 days before the expiry of the validity period of your residence permit.

A residence permit for the purpose of investment may be issued to a foreign worker whose:

  • purpose is to carry out, based on an employment relationship, actual work for or under the direction of another person for consideration in order to carry out an investment,
  • employer has concluded an agreement or contract with the Minister for Foreign Economic Affairs, acting on behalf of the Government, or has accepted its offer of support for the realization of this investment,
  • employer has a statutory prior group work permit (an official promise to employ a certain number of guest workers for a certain period in order to carry out a project).

Period of validity: until the investment is completed, up to a maximum of 3 years, with the exception that the period of validity of the permit may not exceed the period specified in the prior group employment authorization.

A third-country national may be granted residence permit for employment purposes if the purpose of his/her stay is:

  • to carry out actual work for or under the direction of another person for remuneration based on an employment relationship.
  • to be employed in Hungary based on an employment relationship with an employer established in a third country in order to fulfil an agreement with a domestic employer (in which case the domestic employer is deemed to be the employer.)

As a general rule, the employer must have a valid labor requirement.

Period of validity: up to 2 years, renewable for a maximum of 1 year, with provided that it may not be renewed for a period exceeding 3 years from the date of first issued.

Residence permit for guest workers can be obtained by individuals,

  • whose purpose of residence is to perform actual work in Hungary for remuneration, either for or under the direction and supervision of others, based on an employment agreement.
  • anyone whose employer is a registered preferential employer or a registered qualified lender,
  • who is a national of a third country as defined by a decree of the Minister responsible for the employment of third-country nationals in Hungary, issued with the approval of the Defense Council, and
  • whose employment is in an occupation which is not excluded by the Minister responsible for employment policy in his decree.

Period of validity: up to 2 years, extendable for a maximum of 1 year, with the condition that the residence permit for guest workers cannot be extended for a period exceeding 3 years from the initial issuance.

Hungarian Card can be obtained by individuals whose:
  • wishes to perform actual work for or under the direction of another person, for remuneration, based on an employment relationship, or
  • as the owner or manager of a company or as the owner or manager of another legal person, he/she carries out actual work in addition to the activities covered by this activity or,
  • who is employed in Hungary based on an employment relationship with an employer established in a third country in order to fulfil an agreement with a domestic employer (BUT! the companies party to the agreement do not belong to the same group of companies) or,
  • and, in the above cases, possesses a degree or higher professional qualification specified by the Minister responsible for higher education.
Specific documents required for the permit:
  • Certificate of qualification (diploma) with certified translation (OFFI)
Validity period: up to 3 years, renewable up to 3 years at a time.

The EU Blue Card is a residence permit that entitles its highly qualified holder to reside and work in highly qualified employment in the territory of a Member State.

EU Blue Card shall be granted to a third-country national:

  • who desires to work in a position requiring higher professional qualifications, and is in possession of higher professional qualifications required to perform his/her job, or has professional experience for the specified period of time, or
  • who is in possession of EU Blue Card issued by a Member State and has already legally resided in that Member State for at least 12 months or has resided 6 months in a second Member State.
Specific documents required for the permit:
  • Certificate of qualification (diploma) with certified translation (OFFI)
Procedure fee:
  • EU Blue Card procedure fee for national applications: HUF 38.000
  • EU Blue Card procedure fee for domestic applications – Enter Hungary: HUF 26.000

Period of validity: entitles the holder to reside in Hungary for a fixed term of up to 4 years, renewable for a maximum of 4 years at a time.

Important to know!

  • The validity period of the document must not exceed the validity period of the applicant’s travel document.
  • The monthly remuneration may not be less than one and a half times the average gross monthly earnings of the national economy in the second year preceding the year in question, as published by the Central Statistical Office (approx. HUF 605,000 gross, 2024).

A third-country national who applies for an intra-corporate transfer residence permit is entitled to it in two cases:

  • If he/she is living outside the territory of the Member States of the European Union at the time of applying for a residence permit and from a company outside the EU is transferred to a company in a Member State.
  • If he/she already holds a residence permit (long-term mobility permit) issued by a Member State of the European Union for the purpose of intra-corporate transfer.

If the applicant can enter Hungary without a visa and does not have a residence permit, he/she is entitled to apply for a residence permit in Hungary during his/her legal stay.

The application must be submitted at the latest 20 days before the start of the long-term mobility or 20 days before the expiry of the legal stay in Hungary of not more than 90 days in possession of a residence permit issued by another Member State for the purpose of intra-corporate transfer.

The employer may apply for the issue or renewal of a residence permit for intra-corporate transfer, provided that the employee agrees in writing and that one of the following conditions is fulfilled:

  • He/she has not yet entered Hungary.
  • He/she has entered Hungary without a visa, is staying legally and does not have a residence permit.
  • He/she holds a valid intra-corporate transfer residence permit (or long-term mobility permit) and wishes to extend it.

Specific documents required for the permit:

  • A contract of employment or a letter of appointment certifying that the applicant has been employed by the company for 3 months.
  • Proof that the companies belong to the same company or group.
  • Evidence of higher education or professional qualifications.
  • A statement from the Hungarian host organization that the employee has relevant experience.

Period of validity:

  • For management or expert: maximum 3 years, renewable, but not exceeding 3 years from the date of first issue.
  • For trainees: up to 1 year.
A residence permit for the purpose of research may be issued to third-country nationals who:
  • wishes to reside in Hungary for the purpose of carrying out scientific research based on a hosting agreement with a research organization accredited by law, and
  • whom the research organization has given a written undertaking to reimburse the costs incurred in connection with the expulsion of the researcher if the researcher stays for longer than the duration of the authorized stay unless the researcher has the necessary financial resources.
Explanation of terms:
  • Researcher: a third-country national holding a doctorate or an appropriate higher education qualification giving access to doctoral programs, who has entered and resides in the territory of a Member State and has been selected by a research organization to carry out a research activity for which such qualification is normally required.
Validity period: at least 1 year but up to 2 years, except that if the validity period of the hosting agreement is shorter than 1 year, it will be adjusted to the validity period of the hosting agreement. May be extended occasionally for a period equal to the validity period of the hosting agreement, up to a maximum of 2 years.

Corporate Card can be obtained by individuals if the purpose of his/her stay is:

  • to act as a manager of a company, cooperative or other legal person established for gainful purposes,
  • to carry out actual work in addition to the activity covered by the previous point, or
  • to carry out actual work for or under the direction of another person for remuneration on the basis of an employment relationship, and
  • an officer or employee of a legal entity that is an employer as defined in the Government Decree or an entrepreneur who has concluded a settlement agreement with the employer.

Period of validity: entitles the holder to reside in Hungary for a fixed term of up to 4 years, renewable for a maximum of 4 years at a time.

Important to know!
During the period of validity of the Corporate Card and after its expiry, no other residence permit may be applied for in Hungary.

A third-country national may be granted National Card if:

  • He/she is Serbian or Ukrainian citizen and
  • the purpose of his/her stay is to carry out actual work for or under the direction of another person, including temporary agency work, based on his/her employment relationship for remuneration.

Period of validity: It entitles the holder to stay in Hungary for a fixed period of more than 90 days within 180 days, but not more than 2 years, with the possibility of extending it for a maximum of 3 years at a time.

A residence permit for family reunification may be issued to a third-country national who is the family member of:

  • a person holding a residence permit,
  • a person holding an immigration, permanent residence, temporary residence, national permanent residence, or EC permanent residence permit,
  • a person holding a temporary residence card, national residence card or EU residence card,
  • a residence card or permanent residence card in accordance with the Residence Act, or a person with a permanent residence card, or
  • Hungarian citizen
  • the person recognized as a refugee, and
  • an unaccompanied minor recognized as a refugee:
    • parent of the unaccompanied minor
    • a guardian of the unaccompanied minor in the absence of a parent

Period of validity: up to 3 years, renewable up to 3 years at a time:

  • up to 4 years, which may be extended by up to 4 years on each occasion if the family member holds an EU Blue Card or a Company Card,
  • up to 5 years, which may be extended for a maximum of 5 years at a time, if the family member is a Hungarian citizen or holds an EC residence permit or an EU residence card issued under Section 87(1)(b) of Hungarian Act XC of 2023,

up to 10 years, which may be extended by up to 10 years at a time if the family member holds a residence permit for a foreign investor.

A White Card is a residence permit whose holder is in a verified employment relationship in a country outside Hungary and performs his/her work from Hungary using advanced digital technology or holds a share in a company with a verified profit in a country outside Hungary and performs his/her work or manages his/her business from Hungary using advanced digital technology.

A White Card can be issued to a third-country national who:

  • has a certified employment relationship in a country outside Hungary and performs his or her work from Hungary using an advanced digital technology solution, or has an ownership share in a company with a certified profit in a country outside Hungary and performs his or her work or manages his or her company from Hungary using an advanced digital technology solution,
  • meets the conditions set out in points (a) and (c) to (i) of paragraph (1) of Article 17 of Hungarian Act XC of 2023 and does not have any of the grounds for exclusion set out in paragraph (3), and
  • does not work in Hungary and does not hold a share in a Hungarian enterprise.

Period of validity: up to 1 year, renewable once for a maximum of 1 year for the same purpose only.

A third-country national may apply for the issue of a visa entitling him/her to receive a residence permit entitling him/her to stay in Hungary for more than ninety (90) days (hereinafter referred to as „permanent„) within one hundred and eighty days (180) prior to entry, without submitting a separate application, in his/her application for the issue of a residence permit.

This document only entitles the holder to reside in Hungary. It becomes invalid upon entry and exit from the country. The holder must return it to the issuing authority upon leaving the country.

A Temporary Residence Certification can be applied for by:

  • Those who have already submitted an application for a residence permit and the permit has not yet been issued, but their previous residence permit has expired or they are required to have a further residence permit by law.
  • The person staying in Hungary is unable to leave the country after the expiry of his/her residence permit for humanitarian or work-related or vis maior reasons.
  • Those who do not have a Hungarian residence permit due to the withholding of their travel documents.

Validity period: 3 months, which can be extended on an occasional basis.

A third-country national may be granted guest self-employed residence permit if the purpose of his/her stay is:

  • to pursue an activity as a self-employed person for remuneration, or
  • to act as a manager of a company, cooperative or other legal person established for gainful purposes.

If the third-country national is acting as an executive officer of the company, the purpose of the stay for the purpose of self-employment as a guest is considered to be justified if:

  • the business enterprise has been legally employing at least 5 Hungarian nationals or persons enjoying the right of free movement and residence on a full-time basis for at least 6 months continuously and without interruption, or
  • the residence of the applicant third-country national in the territory of Hungary is indispensable for the operation of the company and it is likely, based on the detailed declaration of the economic activity attached to the application, that the company will generate income that will also ensure the applicant’s livelihood.

In the case of the employment of the managing director, the managing director must also be a member of the company.

If you wish to perform actual work in the company beyond the scope of activities of an executive officer, you must apply for a residence permit for employment purposes or a Hungarian Card for highly qualified workers.

Important to know!
If you already have a residence permit for guest self-employment , you cannot apply for a residence permit for employment purposes or a Hungarian Card in Hungary!

Period of validity: up to 1 year, renewable for a maximum of 2 years for the same purpose only, with the provision that the residence permit may not be renewed for a period exceeding 3 years from the date of its first issue.
If you would like to stay in Hungary as a self-employed guest beyond the above-mentioned period, you may apply for a residence permit in Hungary up to 40 days before the expiry of the validity period of your residence permit.

A foreign worker may be granted a residence permit for seasonal employment if:

  • the purpose of your stay is to carry out statutory seasonal work.

Period of validity: up to 6 months, with the possibility of extension for a period not exceeding 6 months within 12 months. A residence permit issued for seasonal employment may not be issued for a period exceeding 6 months within 12 months and may not be renewed after 6 months.

A residence permit for the purpose of investment may be issued to a foreign worker whose:

  • purpose is to carry out, based on an employment relationship, actual work for or under the direction of another person for consideration in order to carry out an investment,
  • employer has concluded an agreement or contract with the Minister for Foreign Economic Affairs, acting on behalf of the Government, or has accepted its offer of support for the realization of this investment,
  • employer has a statutory prior group work permit (an official promise to employ a certain number of guest workers for a certain period in order to carry out a project).

Period of validity: until the investment is completed, up to a maximum of 3 years, with the exception that the period of validity of the permit may not exceed the period specified in the prior group employment authorization.

A third-country national may be granted residence permit for employment purposes if the purpose of his/her stay is:

  • to carry out actual work for or under the direction of another person for remuneration based on an employment relationship.
  • to be employed in Hungary based on an employment relationship with an employer established in a third country in order to fulfil an agreement with a domestic employer (in which case the domestic employer is deemed to be the employer.)

As a general rule, the employer must have a valid labor requirement.

Period of validity: up to 2 years, renewable for a maximum of 1 year, with provided that it may not be renewed for a period exceeding 3 years from the date of first issued.

Residence permit for guest workers can be obtained by individuals,

  • whose purpose of residence is to perform actual work in Hungary for remuneration, either for or under the direction and supervision of others, based on an employment agreement.
  • anyone whose employer is a registered preferential employer or a registered qualified lender,
  • who is a national of a third country as defined by a decree of the Minister responsible for the employment of third-country nationals in Hungary, issued with the approval of the Defense Council, and
  • whose employment is in an occupation which is not excluded by the Minister responsible for employment policy in his decree.

Period of validity: up to 2 years, extendable for a maximum of 1 year, with the condition that the residence permit for guest workers cannot be extended for a period exceeding 3 years from the initial issuance.

Hungarian Card can be obtained by individuals whose:
  • wishes to perform actual work for or under the direction of another person, for remuneration, based on an employment relationship, or
  • as the owner or manager of a company or as the owner or manager of another legal person, he/she carries out actual work in addition to the activities covered by this activity or,
  • who is employed in Hungary based on an employment relationship with an employer established in a third country in order to fulfil an agreement with a domestic employer (BUT! the companies party to the agreement do not belong to the same group of companies) or,
  • and, in the above cases, possesses a degree or higher professional qualification specified by the Minister responsible for higher education.
Specific documents required for the permit:
  • Certificate of qualification (diploma) with certified translation (OFFI)
Validity period: up to 3 years, renewable up to 3 years at a time.

The EU Blue Card is a residence permit that entitles its highly qualified holder to reside and work in highly qualified employment in the territory of a Member State.

EU Blue Card shall be granted to a third-country national:

  • who desires to work in a position requiring higher professional qualifications, and is in possession of higher professional qualifications required to perform his/her job, or has professional experience for the specified period of time, or
  • who is in possession of EU Blue Card issued by a Member State and has already legally resided in that Member State for at least 12 months or has resided 6 months in a second Member State.
Specific documents required for the permit:
  • Certificate of qualification (diploma) with certified translation (OFFI)
Procedure fee:
  • EU Blue Card procedure fee for national applications: HUF 38.000
  • EU Blue Card procedure fee for domestic applications – Enter Hungary: HUF 26.000

Period of validity: entitles the holder to reside in Hungary for a fixed term of up to 4 years, renewable for a maximum of 4 years at a time.

Important to know!

  • The validity period of the document must not exceed the validity period of the applicant’s travel document.
  • The monthly remuneration may not be less than one and a half times the average gross monthly earnings of the national economy in the second year preceding the year in question, as published by the Central Statistical Office (approx. HUF 605,000 gross, 2024).

A third-country national who applies for an intra-corporate transfer residence permit is entitled to it in two cases:

  • If he/she is living outside the territory of the Member States of the European Union at the time of applying for a residence permit and from a company outside the EU is transferred to a company in a Member State.
  • If he/she already holds a residence permit (long-term mobility permit) issued by a Member State of the European Union for the purpose of intra-corporate transfer.

If the applicant can enter Hungary without a visa and does not have a residence permit, he/she is entitled to apply for a residence permit in Hungary during his/her legal stay.

The application must be submitted at the latest 20 days before the start of the long-term mobility or 20 days before the expiry of the legal stay in Hungary of not more than 90 days in possession of a residence permit issued by another Member State for the purpose of intra-corporate transfer.

The employer may apply for the issue or renewal of a residence permit for intra-corporate transfer, provided that the employee agrees in writing and that one of the following conditions is fulfilled:

  • He/she has not yet entered Hungary.
  • He/she has entered Hungary without a visa, is staying legally and does not have a residence permit.
  • He/she holds a valid intra-corporate transfer residence permit (or long-term mobility permit) and wishes to extend it.

Specific documents required for the permit:

  • A contract of employment or a letter of appointment certifying that the applicant has been employed by the company for 3 months.
  • Proof that the companies belong to the same company or group.
  • Evidence of higher education or professional qualifications.
  • A statement from the Hungarian host organization that the employee has relevant experience.

Period of validity:

  • For management or expert: maximum 3 years, renewable, but not exceeding 3 years from the date of first issue.
  • For trainees: up to 1 year.
A residence permit for the purpose of research may be issued to third-country nationals who:
  • wishes to reside in Hungary for the purpose of carrying out scientific research based on a hosting agreement with a research organization accredited by law, and
  • whom the research organization has given a written undertaking to reimburse the costs incurred in connection with the expulsion of the researcher if the researcher stays for longer than the duration of the authorized stay unless the researcher has the necessary financial resources.
Explanation of terms:
  • Researcher: a third-country national holding a doctorate or an appropriate higher education qualification giving access to doctoral programs, who has entered and resides in the territory of a Member State and has been selected by a research organization to carry out a research activity for which such qualification is normally required.
Validity period: at least 1 year but up to 2 years, except that if the validity period of the hosting agreement is shorter than 1 year, it will be adjusted to the validity period of the hosting agreement. May be extended occasionally for a period equal to the validity period of the hosting agreement, up to a maximum of 2 years.

Corporate Card can be obtained by individuals if the purpose of his/her stay is:

  • to act as a manager of a company, cooperative or other legal person established for gainful purposes,
  • to carry out actual work in addition to the activity covered by the previous point, or
  • to carry out actual work for or under the direction of another person for remuneration on the basis of an employment relationship, and
  • an officer or employee of a legal entity that is an employer as defined in the Government Decree or an entrepreneur who has concluded a settlement agreement with the employer.

Period of validity: entitles the holder to reside in Hungary for a fixed term of up to 4 years, renewable for a maximum of 4 years at a time.

Important to know!
During the period of validity of the Corporate Card and after its expiry, no other residence permit may be applied for in Hungary.

A third-country national may be granted National Card if:

  • He/she is Serbian or Ukrainian citizen and
  • the purpose of his/her stay is to carry out actual work for or under the direction of another person, including temporary agency work, based on his/her employment relationship for remuneration.

Period of validity: It entitles the holder to stay in Hungary for a fixed period of more than 90 days within 180 days, but not more than 2 years, with the possibility of extending it for a maximum of 3 years at a time.

A residence permit for pursuing studies may be issued to third-country nationals who:
  • establishes or has established a learning relationship with a public education institution registered in Hungary as operating in the public education information system, or a full-time school education or a full-time work schedule, or wishes to reside in Hungary in the framework of full-time studies at a state-recognized higher education institution or a foreign higher education institution operating in Hungary in order to pursue studies or to participate in preparatory studies organized by the higher education institution,
  • proves that he/she has the language skills needed to continue your studies,
  • paid the fees charged by the public education or higher education institution,
  • certifies that the conditions set out in points (a), (c) and (d) and points (f) to (i) of paragraph (1) of Article 17 of Hungarian Act XC of 2023 are fulfilled, and
  • has declared a genuine domestic address as his/her place of accommodation in Hungary.
Specific document required for the permit:
The third-country national must prove that:
  • have sufficient language skills to pursue their studies,
  • has paid the fees charged by the establishment of general or higher education.
Period of validity: minimum of 1 year and maximum of 3 years, with the proviso that, if the duration of the training is less than 1 year, the duration of the training must be.

A third-country national student may be granted a residence permit for seeking a job or starting a business if he or she:

  • holds a valid residence permit forpursuingstudies or student mobility and proves that he/she has successfully completed his/her studies, fulfils the conditions set out in points (a) and (f) to (i) of paragraph (1) of Article 17 of Hungarian Act XC of 2023, and the job or business he/she wishes to start is suitable for the level of studies completed.

Validity period: up to 9 months, with the proviso that the permit cannot be renewed.

A residence permit for training may be issued to third-country nationals who:

  • meets the conditions set out in points (a) and (c) to (i) of paragraph (1) of Article 17 of Hungarian Act XC of 2023, and
  • is participating in a scholarship course in Hungary provided by the Government or a Ministry.

Validity period: up to 1 year, not renewable for the same purpose. The third-country national may apply for an extension of the residence permit for study purposes only.

A third-country national who can prove that he or she is:

  • wishes to stay in Hungary based on an approved traineeship contract with a host organization for the purpose of carrying out a traineeship, and the host organization has undertaken in writing to reimburse the costs incurred by the trainee in connection with his/her expulsion if the trainee stays for longer than the authorized period of stay, unless the trainee has the necessary financial resources,
  • have obtained the higher education qualification required for the traineeship within the 2 years preceding the submission of the application or are studying for the higher education qualification required for the traineeship, and
  • have the necessary language skills to carry out the traineeship.

Period of validity: Up to 6 months, with the proviso that the permit cannot be renewed.

A residence permit for official may be issued to a third-country national who:
  • meets the conditions set out in points (a) and (c) to (i) of paragraph (1) of Article 17 of Hungarian Act XC of 2023, and
  • as a person entitled to diplomatic or other privileges and immunities under international law, or as a member of their family,
  • as a member of an official delegation of a foreign state or public body or international organization,
  • as a journalist,
  • in the framework of an international treaty, international cultural, educational, scientific cooperation or an international governmental aid program for study, education, scientific, training, or further training purposes,
  • wishes to stay in Hungary as a member of the staff of a scientific, educational, or cultural institution operating in Hungary based on an international treaty or as a person visiting Hungary in the course of the activities of such an institution.
Period of validity: Up to 3 years, which may be extended occasionally for a period commensurate with the duration of the official service or training, but not exceeding 3 years.

A residence permit for family reunification may be issued to a third-country national who is the family member of:

  • a person holding a residence permit,
  • a person holding an immigration, permanent residence, temporary residence, national permanent residence, or EC permanent residence permit,
  • a person holding a temporary residence card, national residence card or EU residence card,
  • a residence card or permanent residence card in accordance with the Residence Act, or a person with a permanent residence card, or
  • Hungarian citizen
  • the person recognized as a refugee, and
  • an unaccompanied minor recognized as a refugee:
    • parent of the unaccompanied minor
    • a guardian of the unaccompanied minor in the absence of a parent

Period of validity: up to 3 years, renewable up to 3 years at a time:

  • up to 4 years, which may be extended by up to 4 years on each occasion if the family member holds an EU Blue Card or a Company Card,
  • up to 5 years, which may be extended for a maximum of 5 years at a time, if the family member is a Hungarian citizen or holds an EC residence permit or an EU residence card issued under Section 87(1)(b) of Hungarian Act XC of 2023,

up to 10 years, which may be extended by up to 10 years at a time if the family member holds a residence permit for a foreign investor.

A White Card is a residence permit whose holder is in a verified employment relationship in a country outside Hungary and performs his/her work from Hungary using advanced digital technology or holds a share in a company with a verified profit in a country outside Hungary and performs his/her work or manages his/her business from Hungary using advanced digital technology.

A White Card can be issued to a third-country national who:

  • has a certified employment relationship in a country outside Hungary and performs his or her work from Hungary using an advanced digital technology solution, or has an ownership share in a company with a certified profit in a country outside Hungary and performs his or her work or manages his or her company from Hungary using an advanced digital technology solution,
  • meets the conditions set out in points (a) and (c) to (i) of paragraph (1) of Article 17 of Hungarian Act XC of 2023 and does not have any of the grounds for exclusion set out in paragraph (3), and
  • does not work in Hungary and does not hold a share in a Hungarian enterprise.

Period of validity: up to 1 year, renewable once for a maximum of 1 year for the same purpose only.

If you are interested in applying for a residence permit/visa in Hungary, feel free to contact us, and let our experienced team represent you in the authorization procedure from start to finish.

We kindly inform our clients that at this time, we are only handling the Golden Visa and residence permits for investment purposes.

If you would like more information on visas and residence permits, please let us know and we will help you.
For more information about Golden Visa Hungary, please visit our companion site: